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Boo Boo Bag ~ Hot/Cold Child Pain Relief Pillow

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Your Price: $20.00
A smaller sized hot/cold pillow for so many applications, this provides concentrated relief from toothaches to migraine headaches

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Dimensions:  7 oz. 5" x 5"

Effective heated or chilled, this is an all purpose, smaller sized hot/cold pillow for all the bumps & bruises of childhood!

Moms, these little Boo Boo Bags are a big help when your kids come home with scraps, bumps & bruises! They stay pliable when frozen, as flax seed tends to 'hug' little bodies so much nicer than a hard, rigid ice pack, & never hurt or feel too cold. Boo boos feel 'all better' fast! Warmed, these are great for small, concentrated pain; they're extremely effective for gassy or colicky babies as well! Just rub in a circular motion on your infant's belly or back for fast relief.

Fabric Colors & Herbal Blends for this therapy pillow may be viewed in detail by clicking on these links.